12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061 |
- # Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi)
- ### macOS template
- # General
- .DS_Store
- .AppleDouble
- .LSOverride
- # Icon must end with two \r
- Icon
- # Thumbnails
- ._*
- # Files that might appear in the root of a volume
- .DocumentRevisions-V100
- .fseventsd
- .Spotlight-V100
- .TemporaryItems
- .Trashes
- .VolumeIcon.icns
- .com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent
- # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
- .AppleDB
- .AppleDesktop
- Network Trash Folder
- Temporary Items
- .apdisk
- ### Java template
- # Compiled class file
- *.class
- # Log file
- *.log
- # BlueJ files
- *.ctxt
- # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
- .mtj.tmp/
- # Package Files #
- *.jar
- *.war
- *.nar
- *.ear
- *.zip
- *.tar.gz
- *.rar
- # virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml
- hs_err_pid*
- ### Example user template template
- ### Example user template
- # IntelliJ project files
- .idea
- target
- *.iml
- out
- gen